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Cuando los canales de bendicion paran
Holy Fire Conference
A sermon from the Holy Fire Conference, from Reverend Ron & Gloria Thomas
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Prophetic Revival
Come Hungry Expecting a Change in Your Life - A Message from Gloria
Pastor Claudio Penha – Harmony Church
It was such a powerful experience. We had a girl that was delivered from evil spirits, a spirit of anger. And it was just an awesome thing to see the renewing of her spirit. We also had another girl that had invited a friend to come. And she did not know that earlier in that week, her friend had a gun to her head. And so she was dealing with a lot of discouragement, suicide, and all that. And she came and she got ministered to, got set free. God had her at the right place at the right time.
Pastors Milson and Lucy Peña – Ministerio Vida de Fe
El don profético de palabra de ciencia fue de gran bendición para el cuerpo de Cristo ahí presente. En la ministración que hacía la profeta Gloria, todas las personas que estábamos ahí, de manera particular o individual, todos fuimos ministrados específicamente con palabras proféticas y de ciencia, en base a la necesidad de cada uno, y salimos muy bendecidos y llenos de su presencia. Todos quedamos impactados por la palabra de Dios y también por la potencia de su espíritu.
Pastors Robert and Cheryl Larkman – Vine Life Church
Right from the start, the expectation and excitement among the people that came was met by the presence of God, it was clear that God was there to draw close and to impart his presence, his power and his passion for the people that were there to meet with him. So we were privileged to see people giving testimony of healing. The prophetic words that Gloria was giving over so many different people and the response, the way they were received, it was clear that those words were spot on for the individuals receiving them.
Trusting in the Lord
God protects us on days of trouble.
Trusting in the Lord
Hiding from the conspiracies of the tongue.
Trusting in the Lord
God is our dwelling place.
Preaching From The Heart
Testimonies From Pastors of Gloria’s Ministry Holy Fire Conference At Harmony Church